Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden


The following table summarizes the different types of Channels, the Settings offered by each channel type, and the Fields within each Settings group.

Voltage Input

Channel Setting Group Fields
Voltage Input General Value Input, Units Label, User Name, % Sample Rate


Hardware Sensor, Wiring, Low Pass, Integrate, Range


Constants Ro, Rshunt, Vout, Vinit, alpha delta/Rlead, GF,u _Poisson


Display Digitize On/Off, Display Min, Display Max, Display Control


Lowpass Filter Filter type, Passband Ripple, Stopband Attn, Filter Order, Passband F1 Hz, Stopband F1 Hz


Highpass Filter Filter type, Passband Ripple, Stopband Attn, Filter Order, Passband F1 Hz, Stopband F1 Hz


Bandpass Filter Filter type, Passband Ripple, Stopband Attn, Filter Order, Passband F1 Hz, Stopband F1 Hz, Passband F2 Hz, Stopband F2 Hz


Bandstop Filter Filter type, Passband Ripple, Stopband Attn, Filter Order, Passband F1 Hz, Stopband F1 Hz, Passband F2 Hz, Stopband F2 Hz
  File File, Digitize, File Name, Command, Scan Num, 1st Pt Num, Num Pts
  Driver Ram Digitize On/Off, Buffer Address, Ptr Byte Size, Scan Num In, Pt Num In, Scan Num Out, Pt Num Out
  User Ram Digitize On/Off, User Ptr, Ptr Bytes Size, Scan Num In, Pt Num In, Scan Num Out, Pt Num Out

Voltage Output

Channel Setting Group Fields

Voltage Output

General Value Output, Units Label, User Name, % Sample Rate


Display Digitize On/Off, Display Min, Display Max, Display Control

Digital I/O

Channel Setting Group Fields

Digital I/O

General Value Output, Units Label, User Name, % Sample Rate
  Display Digitize On/Off, Display Min, Display Max, Display Control
  Hardware Digital Out, Direction

i2x0/i60x Controller Digitize Support Channels

Channel Setting Group Fields
Ch 11 Time General Time Secs, Units Label, User Name, % Sample Rate
  Display On/Off, Max EU, Min EU

Ch 12 Digitizer

General Value, Units Label, User Name, % Sample Rate
  Timebase Digitize Off/On, Points per Scan, Number Of Scans, Min sec/tsfr, Sample Rate, Scan Mode, Switching, Network BPS
  Trigger Trigger Off/On, Threshold EU, Slope, Trig. Net#, Trig. Dev#,Trig. Mod#, Trig. Chan#

Model 200 PCI Card Counter/Timer Channels

Channel Setting Group Fields
Ch1...10 Digital Timer I/O General Value I/O, Units Label, User Name, % Sample Rate
  Display Digitize On/Off, Display Min, Display Max, Display Control
  Timer Function, Clock Period, Clock Out Hi, Measure, Meas. Resol., Meas. Cycles