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The i240/i60x USB controller has an internal 14KByte RAM buffer that collects digitized data. The windows computer has an internal background interrupt driven task (inside of iNet32.dll) that periodically moves this data to windows computer RAM memory. If digitizing quickly (e.g. >10ksample/sec total) then it is important that this task run every 10 to 50 milliseconds.

Usb Buffer Overflow Error #118

If other tasks on the computer block this digitize task for too long, then you will get an instruNet error #118 (usb buffer overflow). When this occurs, an alert appears with a list of approximately 10 things that one can do to provide more processor time to instruNet. For details on maximum file and RAM buffer sizes, click here.

Providing More Priority to instruNet

You might see "Empower your software with more priority..." close to the top of the list. If you do see this, then this means that your program could benefit from being given more priority by right-clicking on your instruNet application program (.exe) or a short-cut that refers to it, selecting the 'COMPATIBILITY' tab, and enabling 'RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR'. After doing this, your program will be given more priority and will be less likely to produce usb buffer overflow alerts. Also, after doing this, your computer will ask you "is it ok for this software to make changes to your computer" each time you launch the software. To turn these alerts OFF, one can disable User Account Control (UAC). To access UAC settings, select Control Panels after clicking START, and type "UAC" into the Search field. 'RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR' and 'UAC' only pertain to Windows ≥ Vista.

Identifying Your Program's Priority Level

With iNet32.dll version ≥, one can press the SEARCH button in the TEST page to learn more about whether or not your program has this additional 'RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR' priority. If you see 'Realtime Privilege Ok' in the 'instruNet Driver' row, then you have it. This also is displayed when you press the REPORT button in the TEST page.

Working with the Latest Software

If you do get a Usb Buffer Overflow Error #118, then the first thing to do is to make sure you are working with iNet32.dll version ≥ For free updates, click here.

Monitor All Processes on Computer While Digitizing

If you want a clue as to what other software on your computer is interrupting your digitizing and causing usb overflow #118, then you can do the following:

  • Make sure you are running with iNet32.dll version ≥
  • If on Windows ≥ Vista, then enable 'RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR', as described above
  • In the RECORD page, press the SETUP button, press the RECORD button, and set COMPUTER PROCESS MONITOR to 'ON'.
  • Save your settings by pressing SAVE in the NETWORK page
  • Run your software until you get usb overflow error #118
  • At the bottom of the #118 alert you will see 'Processes on Computer that have been active during last .. mSec' and then a list. This is a list of programs that were active at the time of the overflow problem. Type their names into google to learn more about them.
  • After exiting the error #118 alert, press the TEST tab, press the REPORT button, choose SELECT ALL under the EDIT menu, choose COPY under the EDIT menu, open an empty spreadsheet window, PASTE this text into the window, and search for 'MONITOR ALL PROCESSES ON COMPUTER WHILE DIGITIZING'. This will contain a table that lists software that was active during the entire digitization. Scroll to the right to see their names (in approximately the 15th column of the table).

This monitoring technique is not perfect for several reasons:

  • Some programs do many things (e.g. 'svchost.exe' runs 10 different services) and you will not know which is causing the problem
  • Some programs have special security that disallows them from being monitored, and they will not be listed