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The table below lists error codes returned by the instruNet driver along with possible causes and solutions to the problem. These are instruNet error codes, and are very different from your operating system error codes.

Error Code Error Label Possible Cause Possible Solution
0 iNetErr_None no error The operation was successfully completed.
1 iNetErr_General potentially anything See Upgrade iNet32.dll and Alert on Start.
2 iNetErr_Controller- NotInitialized instruNet has not been initialized See Controller Problem.
3 iNetErr_InitFailed instruNet initialization failed See Upgrade iNet32.dll, Alert on Start and, Controller Problem.
4 iNetErr_DeviceNum- OutOfRange Device number (deviceNum) is out of range Make sure all hardware Devices are connected and powered on.  Select "Installed Hardware Report" under the Hardware menu for list of registered Devices.  Make sure the specified 'deviceNum' is correct. 
5 iNetErr_ChannelNum- OutOfRange Channel number is out of range Make sure the specified 'chanNum' channel number parameter is correct. 
6 iNetErr_FieldNum- OutOfRange Field number is out of range Make sure the specified 'fieldNum' field number parameter is correct. 
7 iNetErr_Controller- NotFound instruNet Controller not found Make sure the specified 'netNum' network number parameter is correct.  Select "Installed Hardware Report" under the Hardware menu for list of registered Networks.  See Controller Problem.
8 iNetErr_FieldDoes- NotExist specified {net, device, module, chan, setting, field} does not exist Make sure the specified 'netNum', 'deviceNum', 'moduleNum', 'chanNum', 'settingNum', 'fieldNum' parameters are correct.
9 iNetErr_Badfield- NativeDataType bad data type Make sure the specified 'netNum', 'deviceNum', 'moduleNum', 'chanNum', 'settingNum', 'fieldNum' parameters are correct. 
10 iNetErr_BadField- ReadType bad read type Make sure the specified 'netNum', 'deviceNum', 'moduleNum', 'chanNum', 'settingNum', 'fieldNum' parameters are correct.
11 iNetErr_Timeout- AtReadBegin time out at controller, crashed controller Upgrade iNet32.dll and see Controller Problem
12 iNetErr_TimeoutAt- WaitForReadDone time out at controller (crashed controller?) Upgrade iNet32.dll and see Controller Problem
13 iNetErr_Controller- IsInWeeds crashed controller See Controller Problem.
14 iNetErr_illegal- DataType bad data type Make sure the specified 'netNum', 'deviceNum', 'moduleNum', 'chanNum', 'settingNum', 'fieldNum' parameters are correct. 
15 iNetErr_FailedCopy- DataTest failed the CopyWave-Data() test or bad instruNet Driver file See Controller Problem.
16 iNetErr_Compressor- HitError compressor hit error Press Reset Button. 
17 iNetErr_FailedRam- Test failed board ram test See Controller Problem.
18 iNetErr_RanOutOf- Memory instruNet Driver ran out of memory Try giving calling application program more memory.  Try reducing the number of points per scan.  Try a computer with more RAM.
19 iNetErr_AlertFailed the routine that shows an alert failed Try reinstalling installing Driver file and make sure you install correct version of Driver. See Installation Problem or Alert On Start.
20 iNetErr_CtrlrRom- NotBooting instruNet Controller's ROM does not seem to boot up (poss problem: controller, bus, rom) See Controller Problem.
21 iNetErr_CtrlrRam- NotBooting instruNet Controller's driver in RAM does not seem to  boot up (poss problem: controller, bus, ram, rom, download from uC, bad driver downloaded) See Controller Problem.
22 iNetErr_DriverDown- loadFailed the download of the uController driver into uC ram failed (driver may be bad, or hardware is bad) (the keys did not match). See Controller Problem.
23 iNetErr_CtrlrRW- TestFailed failed during controller rw test in Test_Dual-Port_Ram() See Controller Problem.
24 iNetErr_Interface- BlockTestFailed Interface block between uController and host computer is invalid See Controller Problem.
25 iNetErr_IncCounter- TestFailed Controller failed CounterInc test See Controller Problem.
26 iNetErr_EchoCmdTo- StatusTestFailed Controller failed EchoCmd-ToStatus test See Controller Problem.
27 iNetErr_Controller- BootTestFailed Controller failed Test_A_-Booted-_Controller test See Controller Problem.
28 iNetErr_Controller- FailedToBoot Controller failed to Boot. See Controller Problem.
29 iNetErr_Controller- CmdFailed Controller failed to execute command See Controller Problem.
30 iNetErr_GUI error related to graphical user interface See Upgrade iNet32.dll and Alert on Start.
31 iNetErr_QSPI_Busy QSPI is busy running See Upgrade iNet32.dll, Controller Problem and Alert on Start.
32 iNetErr_QSPI_Halted QSPI hit HALT error See Upgrade iNet32.dll, Controller Problem and Alert on Start.
33 iNetErr_QSPI_Arg- OutOfRange QSPI argument out of range See Upgrade iNet32.dll, Controller Problem and Alert on Start.
34 iNetErr_QSPI_- TimeOutErr QSPI hit time out error See Upgrade iNet32.dll, Controller Problem and Alert on Start.
35 iNetErr_FlakyNetwork QSPI is acting flaky See Upgrade iNet32.dll and Device Troubleshooting .
36 iNetErr_CouldNot- LocateDriverFile could not find instruNet Driver file in system folder See Installation Troubleshooting.
37 iNetErr_netNumOut- OfRange netNum is out of range Make sure the specified 'netNum' network number parameter is correct.  Select "Installed Hardware Report" under the Hardware menu for a list of registered Networks. 
38 iNetErr_Setting- GroupNumOutOfRange setting GroupNum is out of range Make sure the specified 'settingGroupNum ' setting group number parameter is correct.  Select "Installed Hardware Report" under the Hardware menu for a list of registered Networks and Devices. 
39 iNetErr_UnitType- OutOfRange deviceType is out of range Check instruNet network cables.  Make sure a network terminator is properly installed. 
40 iNetErr_DriverDid- NotSetErrCode Driver did not get a chance to set the error code; therefore Driver, or interface to Driver, is in trouble Check the interface to Driver. Make sure you installed the correct instruNet Driver file at the correct location on your computer. 
41 iNetErr_SettingGroup- TypeOutOfRange settingGroup-Type is out of range Make sure the specified 'settingGroupType' setting group type parameter is correct.  Select "Installed Hardware Report" under the Hardware menu for a list of registered Networks and Devices. 
42 iNetErr_ModuleNum- OutOfRange Module number is out of range Make sure the specified 'moduleNum' module number parameter is correct (it is usually 1).  Select "Installed Hardware Report" under the Hardware menu for a list of registered Networks and Devices.
43 iNetErr_Intention- NumOutOfRange Intention number is out of range Make sure the specified 'intention' intention number parameter is correct.  See list of valid 'ion_intention' values in INT_INT .h file.
44 iNetErr_- ReadOnlyField Cannot write to this field, read only Make sure the specified 'netNum', 'deviceNum', 'moduleNum', 'chanNum', 'settingNum', 'fieldNum' parameters are correct. 
45 iNetErr_- WriteOnlyField Cannot read from this field, write only Make sure the specified 'netNum', 'deviceNum', 'moduleNum', 'chanNum', 'settingNum', 'fieldNum' parameters are correct. 
46 iNetErr_FieldValue- OutOfRange Tried to set a field with a value that is too high or low Make sure the specified 'netNum', 'deviceNum', 'moduleNum', 'chanNum', 'settingNum', 'fieldNum' parameters are correct. 
47 iNetErr_ArgTypeOut- OfRange ArgType parameter is out of range Make sure specified 'argType' parameter is correct.  See list of valid 'instruNetDataType' values in INET_INT .h file.
48 iNetErr_BadKeyIn- FieldHierarchy A BAD key was found in the field hierarchy data -- internal data might be corrupted Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
49 iNetErr_Max_LT_- MinInFieldHierarchy A maximum value is less than a minimum value in the field hierarchy -- internal data might be corrupted Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
50 iNetErr_Hierarchy- FieldDataInTrouble Hierarchical field data is in trouble -- internal data might be corrupted Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
51 iNetErr_Channel- NameInvalid The channel name is in trouble -- internal data might be corrupted Latest version of instruNet Driver might help.  Try pressing Reset button.  Resetting computer might help.
52 iNetErr_tempUnits- outOfRange temperature scale {C,K,F} out of range Check temperature measurement hardware and software.
53 iNetErr_sensorType- outOfRange sensor type out of range Check sensor hardware and software.
54 iNetErr_CircBufErr circular digitizing data buffer error Try a slower sample rate, or ask instruNet to do less while digitizing.
55 iNetErr_DataBuffer- Overflow circular digitizing data buffer overwrote data before it was read Try a slower sample rate, or ask instruNet to do less while digitizing.
56 iNetErr_PulledToo- MuchOnLastPull circular digitizing data buffer error where pulled too much on last pull Try a slower sample rate, or ask instruNet to do less while digitizing.
57 ERequired_fbx_DCIIR At least one cutoff frequency (passband or stopband) is needed for each transition band of bandpass and bandstop digital filters Check digital filter Frequency Cutoff fields.
58 EFreqTooLarge_fx_DCIIR Cutoff frequency must be less than half the sampling rate Check digital filter Frequency Cutoff fields and make sure they are lower than half the sample rate.
59 EFreqsNot- Ascending_DCIIR Cutoff frequency negative or frequencies not in ascending order Check digital filter Frequency Cutoff fields.
60 ERequired_fx_DCIIR Missing one or more cutoff frequencies Check digital filter Frequency Cutoff fields.
61 ERequired_- adelx_DCIIR Missing passband ripple and or stopband attenuation Check digital filter Ripple and Attenuation fields.
62 EInvalidArg_DCIIR Invalid argument Check digital filter fields.
63 EOrderTooHigh- DCIIR Necessary or specified filter order is too high -- maximum order is 32 with > v3.2.8 iNet32.dll, and 16 for older versions. Reduce the digital filter Attenuation field value, or increase the Ripple field value.
64 EEven_ndeg_DCIIR Filter order must be even for bandpass and bandstop filters -- order being increased by 1 Reduce the digital filter Attenuation field value, or increase the Ripple field value.
65 EOrderTooLow_DCIIR Specified filter order is too low -- order being automatically increased Increase the digital filter Attenuation field value, or decrease the Ripple field value.
66 EActualOrder_DCIIR Required filter order = 32   (biquadratic section) Check digital filter fields.
67 iNetErr_Interface- CompiledBadly a variable type in interface file (e.g. INET_INT.C) is bad Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
68 iNetErr_- BadInterfaceKey the 'key' field passed to driver is bad Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
69 iNetErr_BadAddr- PassedToDriver bad address passed to driver Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
70 iNetErr_BadStatic- VarInDriver bad static variable in driver Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
71 iNetErr_BadInteger- MathInDriver bad integer math in driver Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
72 iNetErr_- BadChannelType bad channel Type Latest version of instruNet Driver might help.  Try pressing Reset button or Resetting computer  Check Interface to, and installation of, instruNet Driver.
73 iNetErr_- CppCompilerDidBad Cpp compiler failed Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
74 iNetErr_MemMngrFailed Memory Manager failed See Upgrade iNet32.dll..
75 iNetErr_ToolboxFailed Toolbox failed Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
76 iNetErr_CrtRectFailed CrtRect failed Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
77 iNetErr_- DlogCodeFailed Dialog Code failed Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
78 iNetErr_DrvrNeeds- FpuFailed Driver file needs FPU Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
79 iNetErr_iirCode- Failed iir code failed Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
80 iNetErr_sprintf- Failed sprintf failed Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
81 iNetErr_DigitizeInit Digitize initialization failed Press Reset Button.  Try doing things differently and hope it goes away.  Latest version of instruNet Driver might help.
82 iNetErr_SPEoff instruNet network error See Upgrade iNet32.dll and Controller Problem
83 iNetErr_HaltOn instruNet network error See Upgrade iNet32.dll and Controller Problem
84 iNetErr_QPTQP instruNet network error See Upgrade iNet32.dll and Controller Problem
85 iNetErr_qBusy instruNet network is busy before digitize See Upgrade iNet32.dll and Controller Problem
86 iNetErr_abort we aborted early See Upgrade iNet32.dll and Controller Problem
87 iNetErr_cBusy controller is busy doing something See Upgrade iNet32.dll and Controller Problem
88 iNetErr_cNotFin controller did not finish the command See Upgrade iNet32.dll and Controller Problem
89 iNetErr_CodeGen code generation segment error Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
90 iNetErr_CPTQPbad instruNet network error See Upgrade iNet32.dll and Controller Problem
91 iNetErr_Compiler compiler error Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
92 iNetErr_bOverflow driver or user ram buffer overflow Try reducing the sample rate, making displays much smaller, plotting less PointsPerPixel.
93 iNetErr_nonCompOS non-compatible operating system Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
94 iNetErr_bad- ChPtsPerScan bad channel Points-Per-Scan value Try a different Points-Per-Scan (i.e. press Timing button) or '% sample rate'.
95 iNetErr_DestBuff- NotFound destination buffer not found Latest version of instruNet Driver might help.  Try pressing Reset button or Resetting computer  Check Interface to, and installation of, instruNet Driver.
96 NetErr_CtlrBuf- Underflow did not keep up with writing data to ctlr (e.g. d/a) Write data to output channel faster
97 NetErr_AbortDue- ToBusyCtlr the host tried to do an i/o operation, yet aborted since the controller was too busy digitizing Digitize at a slower sample rate or do less scalar i/o while digitizing.
98 iNetErr_BadKey Internal data within driver is corrupted Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
99 iNetErr_NullPtr Null pointer. Internal data within driver is corrupted or user passed Null pointer. Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
100 iNetErr_ctlr- RemovedOrOff i2x0 Controller has been removed or powered off Make sure i2x0 is connected.
101 iNetErr_AtoDHdwr- Needed i43x card is needed to measure voltage from other i4xx cards Physically add i43x A/D card to i4xx Card Cage
102 iNetErr_Measured- VoltageOutOfRange the measured voltage is out of range Try a larger voltage range or input smaller voltage
103 iNetErr_Failed- VoutCalibration Failed to calibrate vout channels Try disconnecting your load from the vout terminal. Perhaps it is loading down the output too much?
104 iNetErr_AtLeastOne- ModuleInLimpMode at least one module failed power up calibration and is in limp-along mode (returns 100 values only) Try disconnecting your wires from instruNet hardware (e.g. via Hd44 connector). Perhaps they are loading down instruNet hardware i/o? Perhaps your hardware is not getting enough power supply voltage?
105 iNetErr_CircBuf- ReadPtrErr circular data buffer read pointer error Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
106 iNetErr_Hardware- IsCurrentlyBeingSim hardware (e.g. module or network) is simulated, and the feature that you are trying to run does not work on simulated hardware Do less with simulated hardware, or install real hardware.
107 iNetErr_NeedTo- DownloadiNetDll Need to Upgrade iNet32.dll file to latest version by downloading for free from 'instrunet.com/download/latestDLL.html'.
108 iNetErr_digitize- InProgress We just started digitize machine yet digitizeInProgress is not set. Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
109 iNetErr_controller- NotProvidingData The controller is not providing adequate digitize data after telling it to start digitize. If programming, make sure you call Service_All_iNet_Digitize_Buffers_32or64() after you start digiting.
110 iNetErr_Control- OutNotSupported The module does not support the specified control output option. Set 'Control Output' field in 'Bit Options' settings area to a different value.
111 iNetErr_OddPtr Odd pointer(e.g. 1, 3, 5). Internal data within driver is corrupted or user passed odd valued pointer. Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
112 iNetErr_Usb_-numOfBytesReturned-DoesNotMatch-Expected # of bytes returned by usb device does not match expected Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
113 iNetErr_Usb_buffer-_passed_to_winusb-_is_too_small buffer passed to usb device too small Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
114 iNetErr_Usb-_timeout USB device timed out Attach i2x0 USB device directly to computer instead of USB hub.
115 iNetErr_InAndOut-RefValueDoNot-Match device in and device out reference values do not match Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
116 iNetErr_WeAre-InFieldAnd-ShouldSkip-ThisTest we are doing an operation that is only supported at the factory Upgrading iNet32.dll.
117 iNetErr_Fifo-HasNoData fifo buffer is empty Upgrading iNet32.dll might help.
118 iNetErr_UsbRam-DigitizeBuff-Overflow ram buffer inside controller overflowed with data See Buffer Overflow & Software Priority and also Upgrade to iNet32.dll ≥ v3.3.2.25.
119 iNetErr_UsbRam-DigitizeBuffCtr-OutOfRange buffer counter inside controller out of range Upgrading to iNet32.dll might help.
120 iNetErr_-Discontinuity-InDigitizedWave discontinuity in digitized wave Upgrading to iNet32.dll might help.
121 iNetErr_Ctlr-_BusyWaiting-For_Trigger controller is busy waiting for trigger Make sure Trigger parameters are set correctly.
122 iNetErr_Ctlr-_BusyWaiting-For_NextScan controller is busy waiting for next scan to begin Upgrading to iNet32.dll might help.
123 iNetErr_MBAR2-_error MBAR2 not set right Upgrading to iNet32.dll might help.
124 iNetErr_MBAR-_error MBAR not set right Upgrading to iNet32.dll might help.
125 iNetErr_-SP_INIT-_error SP_INIT not set right Upgrading to iNet32.dll might help.
126 iNetErr_Channel-CannotDoHighSpeed-Output Channel cannot do high speed output Upgrading to iNet32.dll might help.
127 iNetErr_DoingHigh-SpeedInputYet-DidNotCall-GetOutputSegment-ForAllOutput-Channels Channel cannot do high speed output Call GetOutputSegmentBuffer()
128 iNetErr_Controller-Frozen_NoData-AfterDigitizeStart Controller frozen Upgrading to iNet32.dll might help.
129 iNetErr_NeedToUpdate-ToinstruNetSoftware-Version3orHigher Need ≥ v3.6 iNet32.dll Upgrade to ≥ v3.6 iNet32.dll
130 iNetErr_TryingTo-run64bit-InterfaceOn-32bitDll Trying to run 64bit interface on 32bit iNet32.dll Use 32bit interface with 32bit DLL
131 iNetErr_Trying-Torun32bit-InterfaceOn-64bitDll Trying to run 32bit interface on 64bit iNet32.dll Use 64bit interface with 64bit DLL
132 iNetErr_Trying-Torun64bit-InterfaceOn32-bitWinOs Trying to run 64bit interface on 32bit OS Use 32bit interface with 32bit OS
133 iNetErr_Trying-Torun32bit-Interface-On64bitWinOs Trying to run 32bit interface on 64bit OS Use 64bit interface with 64bit OS
134 iNetErr_version3-_instrunet_needs_windows-_xp_or_newer-_computer iNet32.dll ≥ v3.6 needs Windows ≥ XP Sp3 Upgrade to newer OS or use older iNet32.dll
112 to 200 Please search for "iNetErrorCode" in file "… program files \ instrunet \ Programming Interfaces \ Visual C .Net \ Source_Bak \ iNet_int.h" for details.
10000 to 10255 Controller Status Register Error this is an error code from the instruNet controller Status register See Upgrade iNet32.dll
-1 to
OS Error This is an error code from the Operating System. To learn more, multiply this number by -1 and then look it up here. See Upgrade iNet32.dll